Quality policy

AS Sala Stampi S.r.l. has the mission of allocation and optimal use of human, production and financial resources to make its offer of products and services competitive, professional, flexible and qualitatively impeccable, in compliance with strategic positioning and long-term profitability. It is also the intention of AS Sala Stampi S.r.l. ensure the sustainability of its activities in full compliance with the applicable mandatory regulations.

The commitment of AS Sala Stampi S.r.l. therefore translates as follows:

In the field of QUALITY:

  • Maintain and, where possible, increase a reasonable and constant improvement of the quality and efficiency of the services provided in order to ensure compliance with and satisfaction of customer expectations;
  • Identify functional and innovative working processes and methods for the activities to be carried out that allow a constant and reproducible level of service quality and the clear and unambiguous definition of tasks and related responsibilities;
  • Improve the sensitivity, the spirit of collaboration and the attention of all staff to quality aspects, also through targeted training actions;
  • Meet the needs of interested parties where possible;
  • Meet all applicable requirements;
  • Aim for the continuous improvement of its quality management system;
  • Team spirit as a factor of cohesion to obtain an efficient and effective overall activity and to generate a business culture consistent with the mission.

The General Management, for its part, undertakes to periodically review its Quality, Environment and Safety Policy to ensure its continued suitability.

Please consult https://www.rna.gov.it/RegistroNazionaleTrasparenza with our fiscal code